and I was remembering the day I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (2/18/00 incase you were wondering). I specifically remember that I need to chose a medication to help halt my Multiple Sclerosis. Now normally that wouldn't be an issue if oral medication were an option. Lucky me; ok not so lucky me; the only options we're 3 medications that could only be taken were by injection. The options at the time were referred to as the ABC drugs. Here they are.
1) Avonex - Injection once per week. Giant 3 inch needle that you need to put all the way in your thigh. OUCH!
2) Betaseron - Injection every other day. Same needle and location as above EEEK!
3) Copaxone - Injection every day. Small, thin 1/2 needle taken just under the skin.
Even though my biggest fear is needles I chose Copaxone. While there is a good portion of the world that has no issue with needles, I am not part of that world. For me needles are my biggest phobia. I have forever been nicely criticized for this fear. I mean if you are taking a medication that is supposed to and does help you live with an unpredictable disease you get over it....right! Hmmmmmmm well lets think. For some their biggest phobia may be heights, fire, spiders or even snakes. Think about your biggest phobia, in fact lets pretend you are deathly afraid of snakes. Now imagine being thrown into a snake pit every day. No worries, if you do this everyday your healthy will hopefully improve. I'm guessing you would not easily get over it, or even at all. That is what people living with MS have to deal with.
So I am not writing ting this to complain because I don't. In fact I feel that there are worse things in the world than living with Multiple Sclerosis. If I get to open my eyes everyday I feel blessed and cherish the day. I write this only because there are many people living with MS like me that have to deal with this.
I have been very fortunate to take control of my life and accomplish many things that even people not living with Multiple Sclerosis have a difficult time doing. I may be able to think if at least one thing.........Triathlons! I love that I am able to call my self a Triathlete. I feel blessed that I can even train for such an endeavor.
So everyday for over 10 years i have been taking Copaxone... I have been jumping into my pit of snakes everyday. It is the toughest thing I have to do everyday, but do it because I know it helps. All of this being said I must ask you what your phobias are? What are you scared of? What is your Snake Pit?
Nice blog John! I didn't know you're a good writer as well:) Quite inspiring...
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I found your blog. My husband was just diagnosed and this gives me hope that he can continue to do the sports he loves. He is also afraid of going on the meds, but I thinkwe convinced him. Please keep posting!
ReplyDeleteIts my pleasure to share my experiences. Best of luck with your husband. I certainly know how emotionally devastating hear the diagnosis can be. Hope to hear from you soon. Any questions you may have please do not hesitate to ask.